Tranz Rail safety turns around

<p>Tranz Rail has recorded a 39% decrease in lost time injuries during the past two years under its improved occupational safety program.</p> <p>Since April 2000, there has been a 12% drop in the number of injuries requiring medical treatment and a 55% reduction in severe injuries.</p> <p>Tranz Rail commissioned an independent safety management review in 2000 and nearly all of its recommendations have now been implemented.</p> <p>Managing director Michael Beard welcomed the results. </p> <p>&#8220In the past we have had a bad record when it comes to health and safety,&#8221 he said. &#8220We have taken the issue seriously and the whole organisation has made a concerted effort to turn the statistics around.&#8221</p> <p>The next step in the program is introduction of regular health and safety audits of each part of the business.</p> <br />