
Top sustainability rating for Sydney stations

Sydney Metro City & Southwest’s seven new underground stations have been awarded a top sustainability rating, making the project a world leader in station design and construction.  

The seven new stations are currently under construction and set to open in 2024 when services start with a train every four minutes in the peak. 

The Green Star rating of World Leadership (6 Star Green Star Design Review rating), the highest possible in its category, recognises a commitment to the needs of both the customer and the environment in station design and construction, and is based on Sydney Metro’s extensive range of sustainable initiatives. 

These include operational energy and water efficiency, supplemented by 100 per cent electricity carbon offsets, climate-resilient design as well as a commitment to sustainable procurement, environmentally responsible construction materials and waste management. 

Sydney Metro’s commitment to the needs of customers also contributed to the rating, recognising best practice wayfinding, public art and focus on customer comfort within the stations.  

Green Star is run by the Green Building Council of Australia and is Australia’s largest sustainability rating for buildings, fitouts and communities. 

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