By Rob McKay –
Asciano’s PNT has sought to sell out of Tasmanian rail this year and threatened last week to close down the west coast Melba minerals rail link to Burnie because of the lack of a long-term Tasports lease at the port.
Given the apparent lack of a buyer, the condition of the track and despite pledges of cash for repairs and improvements, the State Government remains under pressure to buy the PNT operation – an outcome it has stated it wants to avoid.
Much of the spending announced in the budget had already been flagged in previous Federal and State funding.
Road spending won the lion’s share of the announced $375.7 million road and rail funds, with just $32.5 million for rail, including $7.5 million for rail line repairs.
Interestingly, $3.9 million has been allocated over two years – $360,000 in 2008-09 and $3.6 million in 2009-10 – for the implementation of safety measures at high-risk rail crossings.
Allocations and initiatives include $79 million for the Brighton Transport Hub, $14 million for the Bridgewater Bridge refurbishment and Lyell Highway junction upgrade, and planning for the Bagdad Bypass.
“Other projects being funded from State and Federal Government sources in 2009-10 will include a $10 million upgrade of the Brooker Highway completion of the $14 milllion upgrade of the Lyell Highway between Granton and New Norfolk continued work on the East Tamar Highway upgrade and a start of work on the Kingston Bypass," Infrastructure Minister Graeme Sturges said.
Source: Lloyd’s List Daily Commercial News –