<p>The Sydney Ports Corporation (SPC) said yesterday it would work with industry and government to ensure movements off its ports utilised rail as efficiently as possible.</p> <p>SPC said its aim was to become as sustainable as possible and one of the ways it could achieve this would be to reduce truck movements and maximise rail to shift import containers off the wharf.</p> <p>This idea and more were outlined in SPC’s inaugural Sustainability Report, which investigated how the port performed environmentally in 2006ባ and detailed the ways the port could improve its green credentials.</p> <p>Sydney Ports chief executive Grant Gilfillan said the port would concentrate on the logistics supply chain and look for ways to improve cargo movements, while encouraging growth in the $50bn trade.</p> <p>While minimising truck movements was a priority, the ports corporation said it would attempt to make the use of trucks more efficient.</p> <p>SPC said it was working with the Roads and Traffic Authority to implement the use of high efficiency container trucks (HECT) – trucks which can carry four teu – for internal container movements inside.</p> <p>“HECTs will improve container terminal operation through faster and more reliable delivery times,” the report said.</p> <br />