A man has been charged with graffiti-related offences following an investigation into several acts of graffiti and malicious damage upon public transport in Sydney.
The 22-year-old man was arrested last Thursday and charged with 13 offences by NSW police, including four counts of destruction or damage to property.
He has also been charged with several counts of entering land or property to commit an indictable offence, disguising his face to commit an indictable offence, and being in possession of suspected stolen goods.
According to police, the alleged offences occurred between October and November 2017. Inquiries are still being conducted.
The man was reportedly granted strict conditional bail and will appear at the Downing Centre Local Court on Tuesday 27 February.
This Graffiti Jerk needs to Do a Lot of Time Cooling his Heels as Such. Like Try 5 Years in the Slammer as such. Make Sure it stays on a Criminal Record for 5 ears After that..Won’t B going near a Spray Can of Paint for a Long Time/.
Wish you could keep away from the shift key for a long time!
Don’t have any Cheese to go with Your Whine.