Work on major rail projects in regional Victoria will step up this spring to cater for more frequent and reliable services.
Key infrastructure for the South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication will start to take shape while coaches replace trains.
Local road users are encouraged to plan ahead while the new rail bridge at Surf Coast Highway is lifted into place during a road closure between Baanip Boulevard and the level crossing in late September.
The project includes the removal of the Fyans Street and Surf Coast Highway level crossings which cater to more than 70 trains and around 46,000 vehicles each day.
Work will also continue on major upgrades to South Geelong and Marshall stations, preparing for the new second platforms, pedestrian overpasses and ramps.
Upgrades to train detection technology will continue at level crossings between Waurn Ponds and Warrnambool, as part of the more than 50 public level crossings being upgraded as part of Stage 2 of the Warrnambool Line Upgrade to allow modern VLocity trains to run to Warrnambool for the first time.
Coaches will replace trains between Geelong and Warrnambool from Saturday, September 2, to Sunday, September 10, and from Wednesday, November 8 until Thursday, November 23.
Major upgrades to the Shepparton Line will be delivered in October and November, as part of the third and final stage of the Shepparton Line Upgrade to enable nine weekday return services between Shepparton and Melbourne.
Sleepers and ballast will be replaced, and bridges and culverts upgraded on more than 25 kilometres of track between Mangalore and Murchison East to enable trains to travel faster and make journeys more reliable.
Coaches will replace trains between Southern Cross and Shepparton from Sunday, October 1, until Friday, November 24.
V/Line will carry out important maintenance and upgrade works progressively over the next few months on the Ballarat, Ararat and Maryborough Lines, the Seymour and Shepparton lines, and the Gippsland Line.
The work includes heritage restoration works at Ballarat station, a major upgrade to the Goulburn River rail bridge, and the installation of box culverts which allow water stop flow under the rail line without interrupting services.
Coaches will replace trains between Bacchus Marsh, Ballarat, Ararat and Maryborough from Saturday, September 16 to Monday, September 288; between Seymour and Southern Cross from Sunday, October 22 to Friday, November 10, and between Southern Cross, Traralgon and Bairnsdale from Thursday, November 23 to Saturday, December 9.
Work to prepare the Gippsland Line for a new signalling system will take place alongside V/Line maintenance.