Public Transport Victoria (PTV) has released the results of its Fare Compliance Survey conducted in October 2017, which show that V/Line, the state’s regional passenger service, saw a record high number of passengers travelling with valid tickets.
PTV’s surveys are conducted May and October every year and are a requirement of the metropolitan train and tram franchise agreements.
The 96.2 per cent fare compliance for V/Line is its best since the surveys began on in 2012. Metropolitan passenger train and tram fare compliance continues to be high – at 97.3 per cent (for trains) and 95.4 per cent (for trams) – with little change compared to the previous survey.
PTV CEO, Jeroen Weimar, said that modern ticketing systems were helping contribute to high fare compliance figures in a time of steadily increasing patronage.
“Around 2 million trips are taken on our public transport every day, with that number continuing to rise,” Weimar said.
During the October survey over 54,000 tickets were checked, including more than 38,000 on the metropolitan network, and over 16,000 on V/Line services.
“We believe that most travellers want to do the right thing and we’re helping by making the ticketing system as user-friendly as possible,” said Weimar.
“We’re making it easier to travel with a valid ticket with initiatives like faster online top up times, faster myki readers, contactless payment machines and trials of next generation quick top up machines at key locations across the network.”