Monday marks the start of the annual Rail Safety Week, with programs underway all around Australia and New Zealand.
An initiative of harm prevention charity the TrackSAFE Foundation, Rail Safety Week runs this year from August 14 to August 20.
“The TrackSAFE Foundation, together with 60 rail, police and government organisations from around Australia and New Zealand, are united by our commitment to delivering important safety messages via Rail Safety Week,” TrackSAFE executive director Naomi Frauenfelder said.
She said the foundation has worked to draw on the collective experience and passion of those in the industry to deliver an internationally recognised annual awareness week.
“During Rail Safety Week we urge members of the public to share rail safety tips with others; take the time to talk to your friends, children or loved ones about the importance of staying safe around the rail network,” Frauenfelder continued.
“As a community we need to stop accepting illegal and reckless behaviour around trains, tracks and level crossings– which can often end in tragedy – and start taking responsibility for our actions.
“Deaths, injuries and near hits on the rail network can be avoided if people simply obey the rules and avoid becoming distracted.”
“:Anytime is Train Time” and Its an Item We Need to Push on Us All, Rail Safety is Everyone”s Business.,It can Save Lives if We are Smart. The Excuse of I Didn’t Know is NOT Acceptable in today’s High Teck Society. Might NOT B a Bad Idea to Hit Motorist With Hefty Fines when Running Flashing Signal Lights, Flashing Reds Means STOP, Not Just Run the Signals and Keep Going. RIGHT.