Infrastructure Tasmania’s first ever ten-year project pipeline has shown just $150 million of the state’s $13.9 billion investment program is dedicated to rail investment.
The remainder of tranche 1 of Tasmania’s ongoing Infrastructure Investment Program for rail is due in 2019, and totals $30 million, according to the new report. A second tranche of rail funding, which is still subject to a business case phase, is worth $120 million and is due between 2020 and 2023.
Together the two tranches represent the only rail-dedicated spending included in the new 10-year pipeline, which details 247 projects and $13.9 billion in spending over the next decade.
Tasmanian infrastructure minister Jeremy Rockliff said the pipeline report would help further underpin the growth of the state’s economy, supporting thousands of jobs, and boosting business confidence.
“The pipeline provides governments, investors, developers, employers, businesses and communities with a long-term view of key projects that are underway or on the table,” Rockliff said.
“The Hodgman Liberal Government recognises that infrastructure projects require considered consultation, planning and design, and that they can’t be delivered overnight but by taking a strategic approach we can ensure Tasmania remains the best place to live, work and raise a family.”
With the 10-year pipeline now filed, Infrastructure Tasmania will shift its focus to developing a 30-year Tasmanian Infrastructure Strategy, which will be based on emerging demographic, social and technological trends.