Supporting industry mental health

TrackSAFE is taking a deep look at mental health in the rail industry. Disclaimer: Some people may find the content of this report confronting or distressing. The information included here places an emphasis on data, and as such, can appear to depersonalise the pain and loss behind the statistics. If this material raises concerns for you contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.
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Team up with ArdentAU for specialised rail consulting services

ArdentAU recognises that every railway has unique challenges that standard safety solutions may not fully address. That’s why it offers customised Safety Management Systems, Education and Training, and Technical and Compliance Auditing to add value to Rail Transport Operators (RTO).
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Regardless of where we live, it is crucial we know how to be rail safe

Rail Safety Week kicked off on Monday the 5th of August, with the annual event shining a spotlight on the importance of staying safe on and around rail.
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Improving train visibility at level crossings

After facilitating important research that identified how supplementary lighting may provide additional safeguards, the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) is now in the process of developing the first Code of Practice for train visibility in Australia. 
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