QR moves into NSW buying Northern Rivers Railroad

<p>QR has taken the first step to become a national operator, acquiring the freight assets and business of Northern Rivers Railroad (NRR).</p> <p>The Casino-based NRR gives QR entry into the New South Wales market for the first time.</p> <p>QR made the purchase through its new wholly-owned subsidiary QR National and will run the rail company under the name Interail.</p> <p>The Queensland company has been eager to expand interstate for a number of years.</p> <p>QR chairman Bronwyn Morris said: &#8220Rail is a national market and while other rail organisations can now compete for our customers up here, we need to be able to do the same in southern states. </p> <p>"That is the only way we will grow our business.</p> <p>&#8220For more than two years, QR has been prevented by interstate governments from bidding either on our own or in consortiums for some of Australia’s biggest rail assets. </p> <p>"The recent sale of National Rail and FreightCorp was the latest example. With that sort of ‘level’ playing field we have had to think creatively.&#8221</p> <p>Of the Interail operation she said: &#8220It is a low-cost, low-risk Virgin Airlines-type entry to what we believe will be some very lucrative new markets.&#8221</p> <p>The sale does not include NRR’s tourist train service.</p> <br />