Pacific National wins $50m GSR contract

<p>Pacific National has won a $50m contract to provide hook-and-pull services for Great Southern Railway.</p> <p>The five-year contract provides Pacific National locomotives and drivers for the Indian Pacific, the Ghan and the Overland rail services.</p> <p>Pacific National chief executive Stephen O’Donnell, said: "Our agreement with Great Southern Railway to provide locomotives and drivers is about both business growth, and being part of this fabulous tourism experience.</p> <p>"We see Great Southern Railway’s selection of Pacific National over some very stiff competition as real confidence in the outstanding service provided by our drivers and equipment."</p> <p>Great Southern Railway chief executive Stephen Bradford said: "The hook-and-pull agreement is one of the most important operational contracts GSR has negotiated.</p> <p>"Already this year revenue is 20% above last year’s record, and we look forward to continuing growth.</p> <p>"We are especially looking forward to the Pacific National locomotives hauling the Ghan into Darwin in 2004."</p> <br />