Events, Inclusion and Diversity, Social Governance, Workforce

On his bike for Rail R U OK? Day



A maintenance worker at freight operator Aurizon is doing his bit for Rail R U OK?Day, the movement that encourages rail staff to reach out, connect and have meaningful conversations with their peers every day of the year.

The initiative prompts rail industry networks to come together to contribute to suicide prevention, supports people to invest more time in their personal relationships, and educates industry networks about how to listen and also how to help.

This year’s event will be held on Thursday, April 27. On that day, Aurizon change manager Troy Taylor will be on an epic charity bike ride from Forrestfield to Bunbury in Western Australia to raise public awareness of the event … a trip kicking off the day before and spanning more than 200 kilometres.

“12 months ago a colleague from many years ago in the UK and then on into our time working as change agents across various industries in Australia, took his own life,” Taylor said.

“To me he always seemed positive, full of life and happy, with a healthy passion for life. How wrong I was. I missed the signs as I was lax at getting in touch regularly to check in whether he was in fact OK.

“My friend was also a keen and well known face around the cycling community across Perth.”

Taylor will be joined by two friends, including an Aurizon superintendent from the Forrestfield depot.

His team are looking for donations and sponsorship, which can be made at https:// troytaylor/aurizon-shine

Rail R U OK?Day is a collaboration between the TrackSAFE Foundation and suicide prevention organisation R U OK?.

Tracksafe communications manager Hope Steele said Rail R U OK? was now a successful year-round movement that educates rail workers to spot the signs that someone might not be OK, empowering them to start meaningful conversations with colleagues who might be struggling.

“Having an annual event dedicated to education provides them with the tools and confidence to check-in year round and have an ongoing conversation with someone at work who might be struggling,” she said.