Building works have started on the Aotea underground station in central Auckland part of New Zealand’s City Rail Link (CRL).
Dale Burtenshaw, deputy project director for the Link Alliance consortium which is building the stations and tunnels for the CRL project, said construction of the Aotea station under the intersection is “massive in scale”.
Construction of the station, platform and tunnels continues will continue below ground until 2021.
Wellesley Street West intersection with Albert Street and Mayoral Drive will close to road traffic from Sunday, 1 March 2020 and is set to reopen in a year.
This follows the removal of the information hub building in the middle of Beresford Square last month to construct the station under nearby Karangahape Road.
The CRL is set to be a 3.45km twin-tunnel underground rail link up to 42 metres below the Auckland city centre.
The depth of the two new underground stations will be 11m at Aotea and 33m at Karangahape Road.
The CRL will extend the existing rail line underground through Britomart, to Albert, Vincent, and Pitt Streets, and then cross beneath Karangahape Road and the Central Motorway Junction to Symonds Street before rising to join the western line at Eden Terrace where the Mount Eden Station is located.
The project was launched in 2017 and is estimated to cost $4.419 billion by the 2024 completion date.