
NTS to focus on freight corridor improvements

<p>The National Transport Secretariat (NTS) will investigate further improvements to intermodal hubs and regional links to the national strategic freight corridor network during the next financial year, according to its 2001&#4702 annual report.</p> <p>This will build on the secretariat’s strategy to improve the country’s strategic corridors by tackling four major areas.</p> <p>These are improving urban freight access to ports and intermodal facilities improving inter-capital corridors improving regional and remote freight access tackling the impact of system wide activities such as access regimes, data collection network information and demand management.</p> <p>The secretariat, which was set up in May 2000 to advise the Australian Transport Council, will soon publish a national report on the impact of e-business on the transport industry and how government and the industry might respond.</p> <br />