
NSW auditor-general slams ‘misleading’ SRA performance figures

<p>The office of the New South Wales auditor-general has slammed the StateRail Authority for the reporting of misleading performance figures.</p> <p>The office said a recent internal review established that there were substantial shortcomings in the systems StateRail used to compile its indicators.</p> <p>"In particular, StateRail’s existing manual systems are not capable of recording on-time running information with the precision needed to identify trains running up to three minutes and 59 seconds late," the report stated.</p> <p>"This situation has existed for many years."</p> <p>StateRail has said it is trialling a new automated system for on-time running that should address those concerns, however, the report recommended that until the system is ready the current indicators should be scrapped.</p> <p>"We believe that these limitations are so severe that it would be misleading of us to continue publishing this information until the problems are resolved," the report said.</p> <p>It warned that StateRail needs to consider the extent of public interest in performance reporting. </p> <br />