
NRC had agreement for Acacia Ridge access, says Graham

<table width="496" border="0"> <tr> <td><p>Pacific National’s predecessor National Rail Corporation had an understanding with Queensland Rail for long-term access to the Acacia Ridge freight terminal, the Federal Court heard yesterday (March 14).</p> <p>Vince Graham, the former National Rail chief, told the court that long-term access over the terminal was contemplated by state laws establishing NRC in 1991, the <em>Australian Financial Review</em> reported.</p> <p>In 2001, National Rail was sold to the Patrick-Toll joint venture that became Pacific National.</p> <p>Pacific National and Queensland Rail have become embroiled in a dispute over control of the Acacia Ridge terminal and the matter is now before the Federal Court. </p><p>&nbsp</p><p>Mr Graham, who was Pacific National’s first witness, told the court that although National Rail had deferred negotiating a long-term lease over the terminal in 1993 because of financial advantages, a 30-year lease was due to replace the three-year interim agreement it then had, the paper reported.</p> <p>The Queensland Government was obliged to provide the organisation with long-term access to the terminal under the terms of National Rail establishment agreement and under Queensland law, he said.</p> <p>Under cross-examination, Mr Graham said he had not discussed that understanding with former Queensland transport minister David Hamill or former QR chief Vincent O’Rourke. </p> <p>The case continues.</p> </td> </tr> </table> <br />