
Newcastle city rail link needs to stay open: rail society

<p>The Railway Technical Society of Australia (RTSA) has criticised a New South Wales Government plan to axe the railway link between Broadmeadow and New Castle Heritage station as contrary to future suburban strategy.</p> <p>"We need to realise that Newcastle is home to the nation’s sixth largest population centre," RTSA spokesman Philip Laird said.</p> <p>"If this short-sighted decision is taken to facilitate a quick land grab, future generations are likely to take a dim view of this action."</p> <p>The decision would also work against a future strategy for Sydney headed by the NSW infrastructure ministry &#8211 a plan that would include the Hunter Valley, Dr Laird said.</p> <p>The RTSA wants the government to defer a decision until a proper cost-benefit assessment is made. </p> <br />