Transport around NSW will get cheaper by an average of $10 per trip for those on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) following an announced state government subsidy.
$3 million will be provided to NDIS registered community transport providers in the form of a subsidy allocation, which is to be passed on to individuals on the NDIS until 30 June 2020.
The subsidy will apply to community transport operators – which can include mini-buses, small buses and regular cars – who have a contract with Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
According to TfNSW, eligible NDIS participants will be subsidised an average of $10 per trip.
“This funding boost is essential to keep services affordable for customers currently benefitting from the NDIS in New South Wales,” a TfNSW spokesperson said.
“Some of our customers need specialist services to get them to and from work on a daily basis, and this subsidy could provide a significant weekly saving.”
According to TfSNSW the subsidy, a supplement the NDIS, is an attempt to lessen the day-to-day impact the cost of travel can have on those with a disability.
“While the NDIS will provide the main funding solution for participants’ transport needs, this additional funding will assist in a steady transition for participants and community transport providers,” the spokesperson said.