Two Perth train stations are to be added to the Western Australian Government’s Metronet East Redevelopment Area “to ensure vibrancy, housing and jobs are the focus of each revitalisation”, according to a statement from Transport Minister Rita Saffioti.
The project will expand the existing Midland redevelopment area to incorporate the Bayswater and Forrestfield station precincts in Perth. The process is expected to take around 12 months, with Planning Control Areas to be organised in the interim by the WA Planning Commission.
“It is important for the wider community that the State Government harnesses its investment in Metronet to deliver outcomes such as quality infill, housing choice and jobs — which will build a stronger economy and save taxpayers in the longer term,” Minister Saffioti said.
Works at Forrestfield are currently underway, with early works on the Bayswater station upgrade expected to commence in 2019.
Minister Saffioti said that consultation would take place with the cities of Bayswater, Kalamunda and Swan in the coming months to discuss the amendment of the Midland Redevelopment Scheme project being led by the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority (MRA).
The MRA is working with Bayswater on its town centre structure plan to make sure it incorporates the new plans, while Kalamunda will continue to plan the broader Forrestfield area outside the redevelopment area.
“By creating Metronet East we bring together our commitment to creating more housing and employment choice and maximising our transformative investment in the Bayswater, Forrestfield and Midland areas,” Saffioti said.
“The best possible outcome for each of the Metronet East precincts would be for them to develop into more attractive areas for people to live, work and visit for recreation.”