
Melbourne port rail access project gains $50m

<p>Federal, state and Australian Rail Track Corp cash amounting to $50m will be spent on the Port of Melbourne rail access improvement project, the governments said today.</p> <p>Under the project, a new direct dual gauge track connection between the Dynon rail terminals and the port will be built and an existing dual gauge line connecting into the port from Dock Link Road will be duplicated.</p> <p>Works was due to begin in early next year and be completed in late 2010.</p> <p>State roads and ports minister Tim Pallas said the upgrade would help to eliminate rail bottlenecks and improve rail access into the port for interstate and regional freight trains.</p> <p>&#8220The current arrangements require some trains to undertake complex shunting manoeuvres or wait for other trains to pass, while other trains must go via Tottenham for access to the port,&#8221 Mr Pallas said,</p> <p>&#8220This causes impediments to the efficient movement of freight in and around the Port of Melbourne.</p> <p>&#8220With the channel deepening project progressing well and already 30% complete, we need to put in place landside infrastructure to support freight movement.&#8221</p> <br />