Freight Rail, Inland Rail, NSW, Rail industry news (Australia, New Zealand)

Martinus working with local communities

Stakeholder engagement and management plays a crucial role in rail infrastructure projects in both regional and urban areas.

Providing timely information and utilising all communication channels effectively among stakeholders and communities is essential for engaging stakeholders, but also providing valuable insights to guide decisions and involve community in the infrastructure development process.

In Forbes recently, Martinus welcomed well-known community organisation Probus, to see their local Albury to Parkes Inland Rail project in action. This project began last year when Martinus was awarded a $403.5 million contract to design and construct enhancement works on the Stockinbingal to Parkes (S2P) and Albury to Illabo (A2I) sections of Inland Rail.

Visiting the worksites along the Inland Rail Stockingbingal to Parkes section was a revealing experience for the group of around 20 semi-retired professionals. Martinus specialists detailed the current construction progress and future benefits, sparking numerous questions from the group.

Martinus crews are now underway on works to eventually enable double-stacked freight trains to run between Albury and Parkes, which includes bridge upgrades and track lowering works to create the required height and width clearances. In addition, station precincts in Albury, Wagga Wagga and Forbes will be enhanced and an additional crossing loop will be constructed at Daroobalgie.

Through these interactions, we build strong community ties and share the impactful work being delivered by companies like Martinus with Inland Rail.