Liberal senator Zed Seselja will reportedly push for an inquiry into the proposed second stage of Canberra’s light rail network.
Seselja, who represents the Australian Capital Territory in Federal Parliament, said he will call for a parliamentary committee to be formed when the stage two proposal comes before the Senate.
Stage 2 of the Canberra Metro will link the capital’s CBD to the southern district of Woden. It needs to pass through both houses of Federal Parliament, because the planned route traverses Commonwealth land.
And Seselja, formerly the leader of the Opposition in the ACT, says he’ll ensure the proposal receives a proper level of scrutiny.
“They didn’t get the process right the first time around,” Seselja was quoted by Fairfax.
“Once [Labor] signed the parliamentary agreement with the Greens they stopped genuinely listening to the community. The ACT Government is not the font of all wisdom and this is an opportunity to give the community an additional chance to have their say, so that’s a good thing.”
Seselja in 2015 said the plan for stage one of Canberra Metro – which is currently under construction – was “a dud”. But he is reportedly prepared to approach stage two with a more “constructive” mindset.
“The parliamentary triangle is of national interest and the light rail is of local interest,” he was quoted. “We had an election on light rail and my view is on to be obstructive but to find a good outcome for all. I want to make sure Canberrans get bang for their buck.”