
Level crossing incident injures five

<span class="" id="parent-fieldname-description"> A truck and train have collided at a level crossing in Victoria, injuring five passengers. </span> <p>The Office of the Chief Investigator Tranport Safety (Vic) has launched an investigation into the incident, where a truck towing a trailer collided with a train travelling in the Down direction on the Warrnambool line at Mount Moriac, Victoria.</p><p>The Australian Transport Safety Bureau will assist in the investigation.</p><p>The truck in question was travelling along Pettavel Road when it came to the level crossing, which is controlled by stop signs, according to the ATSB.</p><p>112 passengers and 3 staff were on board the train.</p><p>After the collision at 9:45am on September 7,&nbsp five passengers were taken to hospital for observation and precaution.</p><p>Coaches were used to take the remaining passengers to their destinations.</p><p>Police cleared the site at around 12:45pm, and services on the Warrnambool line resumed on September 8.</p>