Passenger Rail

Hobart’s rail-free City Deal labelled a ‘dud’

Hobart from the air. Photo: Creative Commons / JJ Harrison

Labor transport spokesperson Anthony Albanese says the Coalition’s recently-signed City Deal for Hobart is a “dud”.

The $1.43 bilion, 10-year deal announced late in February by the Federal Coalition, the Tasmanian Government and local representatives, does not include any direct funding for proposed light rail connections in Hobart’s northern suburbs.

Instead the plan commits $25 million to fund work to investigate the Northern Suburbs corridor as a whole.

Albanese, the shadow minister for transport and infrastructure, this week said the Hobart deal represented “missed opportunities” for the local community.

“It is little wonder residents of Hobart are so sceptical of [Prime Minister] Scott Morrison’s dud deal,” Albanese said, “he couldn’t even travel to the city to announce it.

“The money committed to the Northern Suburbs light rail appears to deliver nothing more than yet another study.

“As traffic congestion grows and opportunities for growth are wasted, this isn’t good enough.”

The Labor Party has committed to replace the Coalition’s City Deals model with its own version, known as City Partnerships.

“Our City Partnerships program … will involve better consultation with communities through their local governments,” Albanese said.