The New South Wales Government is inviting western Sydney locals and stakeholders to have their say on the Parramatta Light Rail stage 2 preferred route, as well as 15 stop locations between Camellia and Sydney Olympic Park.
This forms part of the project’s ongoing planning work which feeds into the design, Environmental Impact Statement and Final Business Case.
This is to ensure that stage two of the Parramatta Light Rail meets the transport needs of the residential, business and entertainment hub in Western Sydney. It is a key opportunity for the community to have their say and ensures that feedback is considered before the formal Environmental Impact Statement process occurs.
The new map confirms the preferred stage two route will travel south of the Parramatta River through Camellia, which will support up to 10,000 new homes and 14,500 jobs in the proposed Camellia-Rosehill Precinct, before crossing the river to Rydalmere.
Site investigation work, including the mapping of utilities such as water mains, electricity and gas, and geotechnical investigations, has begun and will form part of the Final Business Case.
The Parramatta Light Rail will connect Westmead to Carlingford via the Parramatta CBD and Camellia with a two-way track spanning 12 kilometres and is expected to open in 2023.
The route will link Parramatta’s CBD and train station to facilities such as the Westmead Health Precinct, Cumberland Hospital Precinct, CommBank Stadium and the Camellia Town Centre.
Stage two of the Parramatta Light Rail project will connect to the future Metro West and heavy rail in Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park, and ferry services at Rydalmere and Wentworth Point. Stage one of the Parramatta Light Rail is currently under construction and has created more than 5000 local jobs.
By 2026, around 28,000 people will use Parramatta Light Rail every day and an estimated 130,000 people will be living within walking distance of light rail stops.
For more information on the project, click here. To have your say, click here.