<p>Despite the latest road toll statistics showing an increase in Australia’s annual road toll figures last year, the country’s peak trucking body said the trucking industry had dramatically improved its safety over the last 20 years.</p> <p>Australian Trucking Association chairman Trevor Martyn said that between 1987 and 2007, the number of fatal crashes and fatalities involving articulated vehicles declined by almost 30%.</p> <p>Mr Martyn said this decline had occurred despite a massive increase in the number of trucks and other vehicles on the road.</p> <p>“It’s the result of better roads, better trucks and a focus on safety and professionalism across the whole industry,” he said.</p> <p>But Mr Martyn said that the Government would need to do more to reduce the number of fatal truck crashes because “even one road death was one too many”.</p> <p>He said the new fatigue laws, which would be implemented from September 29 in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia, were inconsistent across state borders.</p> <p>“We need uniform fatigue laws to prevent fatal mistakes and we also need new speeding laws,” Mr Martyn said.</p> <p>He said the government should focus on high profile enforcement that would stop speeding, rather than using speeding fines as a source of revenue and should support the increased use of high productivity vehicles, such as B-triples.</p> <p>“Two B-triples can carry the same amount of freight as five semi-trainers,” he said.</p> <p>“If we could use B-triples on more routes we’d be able to do the same job with a smaller number of trucks.</p> <p>“It would have safety benefits and reduce congestion as well.”</p> <p>Lloyd’s List DCN was awaiting a clarification from the Federal Government of seemingly conflicting figures at deadline.</p> <br />
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