SIMEX STABILISER PL 60.25 Stabilisers

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Total Rockbreaking Solutions - WA

10 Ferguson Street

Kewdale, WA

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Title SIMEX STABILISER PL 60.25 Stabilisers
Type Road Construction
Sub Type Profilers
Series Stabilisers
Sale Price POA
Listing Type New
Stock Number S93
RefCode TA1255563
Pass Width - mm600
Depth of cut - mm250


SIMEX PL 60.25 Stabiliser is perfect for stabilising and rehabilitating existing worn and damaged roads and streets. It can pulverise, crush and mix road base with additives such as lime, cement, fly ash or other binding agents up to a depth of 250mm. This process strengthens and improves road base in preparation for the application of new wearing road surfaces.

- Transverse tilt, side shift and independent RH-LH depth adjustment
- Constant Depth in any condition due to exclusive self-leveling system
- Stability
- No Vibrations
- Excellent Mixing
- Optimal Visibility for the Operator

Call or email us on for the price and availability.

As the authorised dealer in WA for Rammer, Simex, ALLU, PneuVibe, Daehan, Steelwrist and TEFRA, we can ensure that our existing and new customers receive the industrys highest-quality support, while enjoying the industry leading performance and reliability they have grown to expect from these products.

A great range of genuine tools, parts, consumables and accessories are readily available in our warehouse.

Note: model PL100.25 featured in photos