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Perth Power Tractors

50 Kewdale Road

Kewdale, WA

Perth Power Tractors Visit website


Title JAYLOR 5750
Type Livestock Feeding
Sub Type Mixer Wagons
Model 5750
Sale Price POA
Listing Type New
Stock Number 915504
RefCode TA1197460


Jaylor 5750 Twin Auger Mixer Jaylor 5000 Series Twin Auger TMR mixers are available in a wide range of configurations in capacities from 19.8m3 to 27.2m3. These machines are used to feed larger dairy and cow-calf operations and feedlots ranging in size from as little as a hundred head, up to thousands of head. Each one is an industry leader in its class at processing round or square baled hay and baleage into uniform rations - which are resistant to sorting during eating - in a minimum amount of time. They are also ideal for mixing pre-processed silage and grain rations, including high grain finishing rations, with which full mix uniformity is achieved in as little as three to five minutes. All Jaylor 5000 Series mixers come standard with Jaylor???s 19mm patented square cut auger. Specifications Capacity: 22.1 cubic metres Min HP (PTO): 115 PTO Speed: 1000 Standard Knives per Auger: 9 Standard Extensions: 16``