2000 BOMAG BC671

Sale Price: $30,690* Watch Price Make An Offer
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Tilly's Crawler Parts PTY LTD

348 Taylor St

Glenvale, QLD

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Title 2000 BOMAG BC671
Type Compaction
Sub Type Compactors - Landfill
Model BC671
Year 2000
Sale Price $27,900 + GST = $30,690
Listing Type Used
Stock Number 8506
RefCode TA992560
Net engine power SAE Rated - kW261
Unballasted weight - kg32300


Tilly's Machinery currently have in stock for immediate delivery a 2000 Bomag BC671RB Pad Foot Compactor Serial# - 101570521086 with a 350HP-261KW Cummins M11-C Engine Serial# - 35Q11279 showing 18289 Hrs options include - Air ROPS /FOPS Cab, Landfill Wheels, 4.2M Wide Hyd Blade, LHS engine guards missing, 32.3 Tonne, 8.12L, 3.78W, 4.22H. Please contact the Tilly's Sales Team today for the best deal or alternatively search our stock online. *CONDITIONS APPLY*