Environment and Sustainability, Passenger Rail

Changes made following Parra Light Rail EIS submissions

Feedback on the environmental impact statement (EIS) for stage one of the proposed Parramatta light rail project has been reviewed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW), with the authority making several changes to the project in response.

The EIS for the project was released for public display between 23 August and 23 October last year, during which government agencies, stakeholders, and members of the community were able to make submissions to NSW’s Department of Planning and Environment.

The proposed light rail corridor – expected to open in 2023 – is to connect Westmead and Carlingford via Parramatta CBD and Camellia with a 12km two-way track, with both on-street and dedicated corridor alignment.

The road network will be altered to accommodate the project, while sections of the existing T6 Carlingford Line heavy rail corridor and Sandown Line for will be converted for use as dedicated light rail corridors.

Interchanges with existing rail and bus facilities will be constructed at Westmead, Parramatta CBD, and Carlingford, while a stabling and maintenance facility has been proposed for Camellia.

A total of 156 submissions were received during the EIS display period – 15 from government agencies and other key stakeholders, and 141 from the community (including businesses and special interest groups).

TfNSW’s report indicates that among the issues most frequently raised were around traffic transport and access, project design (including project alternatives), and concerns about socio-economic and business impacts, and the project’s heritage, environmental impacts, including concerns about noise, vibration and dust during construction.

According to the report, 11 design changes have been made to the Parramatta light rail project in response to the submissions and further design investigations have been carried out. Changes include alteration of road networks (to improve traffic flow in the broader network during construction and during the future operation of the light rail line), the reallocation of the proposed Prince Alfred Square stop (to reduce impact of the project on Alfred Square park), changes to the design of the Dundas stop to improve its integration with existing heritage structures, and the provision of better pedestrian and cyclist connection points for stops.

Following consultation with Sydney Trains, TfNSW has decided that the decommission the Carlingford Line will include the removal of the existing overhead rail systems and a section of the tracks within the existing Carlingford Line corridor between the proposed Camellia stop and Parramatta Road, and that, following the completion of works, the section will be returned to RailCorp. This change, the report indicates, has been made to improve worker safety during the project’s construction phase.

Other changes, or “clarifications”, include some reductions in the number of partial or whole property acquisitions required for the construction of the project.

The Department of Planning and Environment will now review the report compiled by TfNSW and produce a draft assessment, which may possibly include recommendations on approval conditions. Following this, the Minister for Planning will determine whether the project is to be granted approval. Upon approval by the minister, TfNSW will continue consultation with community members, government agencies and stakeholders during further stages of the project.