Passenger Rail, Safety, Standards & Regulation

Canberra LRV wrapped with student’s safety pop art

A Gungahlin College student’s pop art design has been wrapped onto one of Canberra’s light rail vehicles as part of an ongoing safety campaign for the new network.

Year 11 student Tahlia Jones was the joint winner of a safety campaign competition organised by the Canberra Metro Operations team and Gungahlin College, and had her retro pop art design wrapped onto the tram as a result.


“We all need to pay attention and stay alert at all times when walking, cycling or driving near the light rail,” ACT transport minister Chris Steel said during the unveiling on December 19.

“It’s great to see the high quality work produced by Tahlia and the other students at Gungahlin College, and it’s really encouraging to see young people taking safety seriously.

“Light rail safety is everyone’s responsibility and we all need to play our part when we’re travelling close to the light rail corridor.”

A second LRV is being wrapped with Jones’ safety poster in January 2020.

“The unconventional and very stylish pop-art wrap is hoped to be an eye-catching safety message for all Canberrans,” Canberra Metro Operations general manager Tilo Franz said.

“This design really turned out better than we ever expected. Having seen many other light rail networks around the world, this design really is outstanding and Tahlia should be extremely proud.”

Jones was joined as a competition winner by fellow student Paloma Alves, whose campaign ‘You Can’t Pause this Track’ looked to raise awareness around the dangers of distracting phones and headphones around light rail.