
Businesses want Gold Coast model for Parramatta Light Rail

In response to the federal government’s contribution to the expansion of the Gold Coast Light Rail, the Western Sydney Business Chamber is calling for more federal funding for stage two of Sydney’s Parramatta Light Rail.

Last Friday’s announcement of a federal infrastructure package for Queensland, which included a $157 million contribution towards Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 3A, has prompted the business advocacy organisation to criticise the lack of funding for Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2.

Federal funds make up approximately 38% of the total cost of the Stage 3A expansion of the Gold Coast Light Rail, with the Queensland Government and Gold Coast Council funding the remainder.

“The economic corridor between Sydney CBD and Parramatta is one of the most important in the nation, yet the Federal Government is missing when it comes to funding the transport infrastructure that will unlock thousands of new homes and jobs,” Western Sydney Business Chamber’s executive director David Borger said.

“With the NSW Government yet to make an investment decision and with the announcement looking very unlikely this year, we need the Prime Minister to be the white knight of G-POP [Greater Parramatta and the Olympic Peninsula] and come to the table with funding.”

“Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 is a vital project that will ensure that the multi-billion investment in Sydney Metro West works. Stage 2 connects the high-density communities of Wentworth Point and Melrose Park with the metro network.

“If the Federal Government has money for Gold Coast Light Rail then surely it has a role to play in contributing funding to a light rail project in the heart of Australia’s most economically important city,” Borger said.