Engineering, Freight Rail, Rail Supply

Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne to host Inland Rail briefings

The Australian Rail Track Corporation has announced a trio of industry briefings this week for the landmark Inland Rail project.

Inland Rail will, the ARTC says, complete the ‘spine’ of the national freight network between Melbourne and Brisbane via regional Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

The ARTC is now undertaking the next phase of industry engagement for the project, on behalf of the Australian Government.

This will take the form of three industry briefings, which will cover information about opportunities for private sector participation in Inland Rail, current scheduling, social performance requirements for businesses to work on the project, and an update on the PPP section of work.

Following the briefings, the ARTC plans to conduct a market testing process for the project.

Briefings will be held at the following locations:

  • Monday, May 14, 9am-11am: Brisbane
  • Tuesday, May 15, 9am-11am: Melbourne
  • Wednesday, May 16, 9am-11am: Sydney

Each session will also be livestreamed online.

The ARTC is encouraging interested stakeholders to register to attend, or to receive login details to view the livestream, but has set a maximum of two in-person attendees per organisation.

More information can be found here. Closing date for RSVPs is 12.00 pm, Thursday 10 May.