Engineering, Freight Rail, Passenger Rail

Aviation Road crossing removal added to major contract

The contract to build a bridge over Aviation Road to replace a level crossing in south-west Melbourne has been awarded, with work to begin later this year.

The Western Program Alliance, comprising McConnell Dowell, Arup and Mott MacDonald, was awarded the project after satisfying strict performance measures on earlier crossing removals.

McConnell Dowell, Arup and Mott MacDonald worked together to remove the Kororoit Creek Road level crossing in Williamstown North, a project which included partial duplication of the Altona Loop.

They were subsequently awarded level crossing removals at Abbotts Road in Dandenong South (to be completed early next year), and a pair of crossings in Werribee, at Werribee Street and Cherry Street, which are both to be removed by 2022.

Aviation Road is the latest crossing added to the Alliance’s rolling contract.

The final crossing to potentially fall under the deal is at Ferguson Street in Williamstown. That removal is still in the design and planning phase.

Aviation Road intersects with the Werribee Line just east of Aircraft railway station in Laverton. The crossing is used by around 140 metro and freight services every weekday.

Earlier this year the Level Crossing Removal Authority said it had decided the crossing would be removed by building a new road bridge over the railway.

The first stage of works will include building the road bridge, on-road bike lanes and a pedestrian path, a new shared-use path along Maher Road, upgrades to the pedestrian level crossing at Aircraft Station and improvements to the Aircraft Station forecourt area on Triholm Avenue.

Early works are expected to start in October this year and the level crossing removed by early 2020.

The second stage of works, timed with future level crossing removal works at Werribee Street and Cherry Street in Werribee, will see a pedestrian underpass completed to provide an improved connection to Aircraft Station.

The State Government believes building the underpass in a second stage will ensure access to the station platform using a combination of stairs and ramps, the preferred option during community consultation.

Staging the works will also allow for trains to continue to run on the Werribee Line as the road bridge takes shape, with temporary rail shutdowns limited to weeknight and weekend closures.

McConnell Dowell, Arup and Mott MacDonald will work with the Level Crossing Removal Authority and Metro Trains Melbourne throughout the project.

“The project team has identified an innovative solution with this staged construction approach, which will minimise overall rail and road disruptions to commuters as these important upgrades are completed,” Victorian transport minister Jacinta Allan said.

Local member for Altona, Jill Hennessy, added: “Alongside the clear safety benefits, these upgrades will make it easier for people in Laverton to access local shops, Aircraft Station and the Princes Freeway.”