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Automation in spotlight at Bulk Expo

bulk automation


In the dynamic landscape of bulk handling, automation plays a pivotal role in optimising efficiency and streamlining operations.

In 2024, the Australian Bulk Handling Expo (BULK2024) will highlight the effectiveness of employing cutting-edge technology into the next decade.

The bulk handling industry is a diverse sector – made up of businesses that transport and handle bulk solids, including several rail operators throughout each state.

A range of strategies are being implemented across the country to help address many challenges, but there is no silver bullet. It has led many organisations to begin looking at innovations to help increase their efficiencies as much as possible, whether it’s a port, mine, or manufacturer.

BULK2024 plans to bring this diverse industry together, under the one roof in September. Located at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre, the event aims to help spread industrial knowledge, showcase the latest technologies and innovations, and provide an opportunity to network with likeminded peers.

BULK2024 Show Director Lauren Chartres said the mission was to equip the industry with the right tools.

“In line with market feedback, the Bulk Expo will focus on industry trends such as the future of automation, addressing key challenges currently faced by the industry,” she said.

In light of the rapid changes taking place in bulk handling, the BULK2024 will pave the way for visionary businesses leading transformations.

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