
ARG plans freight services to eastern cities

<p>The Australian Railroad Group (ARG) is planning new freight services on the east&#47west corridor for up to six days a week.</p> <p>In a letter to customers, ARG said it would run the services to and from freight terminals in Sydney (Cooks River), Melbourne (North Dynon), Adelaide (Port Adelaide and Dry Creek terminals) and Perth (Forrestfield).</p> <p>"ARG is currently preparing a business plan to commence train operations on the east&#47west corridor, Sydney to Perth and Melbourne&#47Adelaide to Perth," the letter stated.</p> <p>"ARG initially plans to provide regular train services on the east&#47west corridor of up to six days a week, with container rates based on the level of volume commitment from each customer and will also provide container rates for the ad hoc use of the train services."</p> <p>The company is aiming for 6 pm departures with early morning arrival at the destination terminal. </p> <br />