App launched ahead of AusRAIL 2018 in Canberra

With the Australasian Railway Association’s AusRAIL 2018 conference and exhibition just a week away, the official event app has been launched to help rail professionals network and stay on top of everything going on at the industry’s biggest annual get-together.

AusRAIL 2018 conference delegates, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors are being encouraged to download the event’s official app to enhance their AusRAIL experience.

The app, available for Apple and Android devices, contains everything needed to plan a visit to the conference, organise exhibition stand visits, and connect with other attendees.

Users are able to set up their own profile so they can be contacted by others, and bookmark other exhibitors and delegates for further action.

The app also allows the user to take extensive notes for each conference session, speaker, sponsor, exhibitor and delegate for later reference.

This year’s Young Rail Pitching Competition will also use the app for its audience voting component, and the app also includes a feedback portal and information on next year’s AusRAIL PLUS event in Sydney.

More information on how to install and set up the app can be found on the official AusRAIL website.

AusRAIL takes place in Canberra on November 27 and 28, and it’s not too late to buy a ticket: visit for more information. Rail Express is producing the official magazine of the event.