<p>The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) and key transport and logistics representatives yesterday committed to working towards zero net carbon emissions after robust and wide-ranging debate surrounding the issue.</p> <p>In a three-quarters majority vote, those present at the ALC national transport and logistics energy and environment summit agreed on working towards efficient and sustainable transport and logistics with an ever-decreasing rate of emissions.</p> <p>It had been hoped that there would be total agreement on the subject, but the ALC was forced to a vote.</p> <p>Most of those present agreed that the goal would be a long-term and aspirational.</p> <p>“There is no time line on zero net carbon emissions – it’s a good thing to have as an aspiration – the aim is to get to the position where we are zero net,” an academic said in the group discussion.</p> <p>“It’s a bit like flying to the moon – no-one knew how to do it initially, but we set a goal and we researched and developed it, and it gave us something to aim for.</p> <p>"Even though it’s not known how to do it exactly yet, we don’t have a date against it – even if it ends up being 2030.”</p> <p>Another delegate said: "At the end of the day, as an industry that is working in collaboration, we have to stand for something.”</p> <p>The dissenters argued that zero net carbon emissions were unachievable and could not be reached efficiently or in a sustainable manner.</p> <p>“Zero and efficient and sustainable are incompatible and utterly, utterly conflicting,” a public service delegate said.</p> <p>"When you have zero net emissions with efficient and sustainable – the two together – they are almost mutually exclusive because efficient and sustainable suggest some emissions.</p> <p>"There is going to be quite significant cost in approaching zero carbon emissions so you would suggest that approaching zero would not be sustainable."</p> <p>ALC chairman Ivan Backman said the final communiqu would become the council’s and industry’s working agenda.</p> <p>ꆰDelegates at today’s summit, from right across the transport and logistics industry, agreed by overwhelming majority to work towards zero net carbon emissions and as a first step, committed to an efficient and sustainable transport and logistics industry, with an ever-decreasing rate of emissions, ꆱ Mr Backman said.</p> <p>"The T&L industry recognises there must be leadership and partnership approach backed up by real commitment and action from both the private sector and government to reduce emissions from the transport sector."</p> <p>The communiqu specified that the transport and logistics industry would work towards achieving this goal by:</p> <p>• Committing to a carbon pollution reduction scheme</p> <p>• Driving supply chain reform and efficiency, reinvigorating rail and coastal shipping </p> <p>• Taking up and promote technological advances </p> <p>• Developing Australia’s transport and logistics workforce to achieve this goal and</p> <p>• Collaborating and sharing technological solutions and data on industry.</p> <p>The ALC, together with the transport and logistics industry, would also call on governments to ensure that these goals were achieved by actively creating a more efficient transport market across all modes:</p> <p>• Ensuring all sectors were treated uniformly under the carbon pollution reduction scheme</p> <p>• Target infrastructure planning, investment and regulatory reform to produce fundamental structural change</p> <p>• Enable collaboration between major companies</p> <p>• Current national transport reform by governments to focus on energy and emissions</p> <p>• Reinvigorate Australia’s rail network</p> <p>• Ensure coastal shipping was competitive and viable</p> <p>• Provide access, encouraging the use of higher productivity vehicles on roads</p> <p>• Ensure solutions were nationally consistent particularly cross border regulation and</p> <p>• Introduce accelerated depreciation and other incentives for industry to take up lower emission technology.</p> <p>The ALC requested that speakers not be named.</p> <br />
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