Freight Rail, Passenger Rail

Albo says Abbott’s policy ‘will damage Victoria’

Tony Abbott. Photo: Tony Abbot MP

Anthony Albanese has continued his post-Budget campaign against Tony Abbott, saying the prime minister’s vow to fund roads over urban rail projects will ‘choke’ Victoria’s economic and jobs growth.

Albanese, formerly the deputy prime minister and minister for transport and infrastructure, on Monday inspected the Springvale Railway Station in the seat of Hotham, Victoria.

While Albanese and the Labor Party were in government, they partnered with the Victorian Government on a $140 million upgrade to eliminate a level crossing at the station.

“The project has reduced traffic congestion, sparked a rejuvenation of the surrounding business areas and made life easier for the 28,000 people who use the station on a daily basis,” Albanese said.

“Springvale Station provides the perfect example of the productivity gains to be made when the commonwealth invests in public transport.”

By contrast, the member for Grayndler said, Tony Abbott has “turned his back on such opportunities,” with a “stubborn refusal” to invest in public transport.

Albanese criticised the Abbott Government for cutting Infrastructure Australia funding from $15 million to $8.8 million by 2018/19.

“Labor believes in investing in an integrated transport system that includes roads and rail – whichever has the greatest benefit for the economy,” he said.

“We also believe in taking the advice of the independent experts at Infrastructure Australia, created by the former Labor Government to assess proposed infrastructure projects to advise the government on which represent the best value for money.

“Since taking office Mr Abbott has sidelined Infrastructure Australia, investing billions of dollars in new toll roads without seeking its advice and ignoring its recommendation to fund the Melbourne Metro.”

The shadow infrastructure minister’s comments are just some of many he has made since the Federal Budget last week.

Albanese, along with party leader Bill Shorten, has criticised the Abbott Government for a continued refusal to fund urban rail.

Abbott made the commitment to road funding over rail in early 2013, several months ahead of the 2013 Federal Election, which the Liberal/National coalition won over the incumbent Australian Labor Party.


  1. What a load of crap. level crossings is something that the victorian government should be doing. NSW did it in the 80’s and 90’s and now it is time for the victorian government to do it. In regards to infrastructure Australia. Why does it even exist. All these bodies that do nothing but take tax payers money with nothing to show except report after report. Give the money to the ARTC instead and get them to fix the wonky rail lines on the east coast instead.

  2. IA has the capability to give an independent view of transport projects. You would not believe how many millions/billions of dollars are wasted on political projects in marginal constituencies. If politicians want to waste money then fine, but I want to know what we missed out on as a nation/state and kick them in the arse come election time.