Below Rail Infrastructure, Engineering, Freight Rail

Adelaide to Tarcoola re-railing underway

Work is underway on the major upgrade of rail track between Adelaide and Tarcoola, part of the federal government’s $252 million project to improve the efficiency of freight movements between the South Australia and West Australia.

The re-railing works of approximately 600 kilometres of track on the Interstate network which supports intermodal freight traffic and heavy minerals rail freight between Adelaide and Tarcoola.

John Holland was awarded the multi-million-dollar contract to deliver the project in December last year.

The line’s capacity will be increased by moving the rail size from 47 kg per metre to 60kg per metre, while lifting the axle load from 23 tonnes to 25 tonnes, allowing for heavier and more efficient freight trains to operate at faster speeds.

“The project will vastly improve rail freight productivity by delivering more goods to markets faster, building local economies and creating local jobs,” said federal infrastructure and transport minister Michael McCormack.

“An estimated 110 workers are already employed on the project in Adelaide and Port Augusta and up to 70 more will be employed to help deliver this critical upgrade. Infrastructure company John Holland is on board and upskilling local workers through its own training program.”

Half of the total order of steel procured from Liberty OneSteel – more than 43,600 tonnes – delivered to the Port Augusta Flashbutt facility, while 324 kilometres of track has reportedly been delivered to site for installation.

“Site mobilisation and welding works started in February 2018 and rail installation is scheduled to take place through to the second half of 2019,” federal member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said.

“The project continues to deliver additional works such as level crossing and structural improvements between Adelaide and Tarcoola to support the planned increase in freight train axle load limits.”

1 Comment

  1. Hi All,
    This Will B an Interesting Project. It would also B great if this type of Project could start in the East at say Parkes and extend Westward. This would allow for Additions of Double Stack Container Trains to the West Coast..