<p>A ceremony will be held today (Tuesday, September 17) to celebrate the completion of a rail bridge over the Katherine River in the Northern Territory. </p> <p>The laying of rail tracks over the Katherine River marks a significant milestone for the 1420-km Adelaide-Darwin Railway, which was promised by the Commonwealth and South Australian governments back in 1911.</p> <p>Looking forward to the ceremony, South Australian premier Mike Rann acknowledged that the railway had been a long time coming, but now that it is underway, the project is months ahead of schedule. </p> <p>Today’s ceremony will include the naming of two locomotives in honour of the traditional owners of the land through which the line will operate. </p> <p>Mr Rann said he is looking forward to travelling on the first train in 2004 on a railway line that links a coast facing the Antarctic to a coast facing Asia.</p> <br />