
$49 million rail duplication boosts Queensland coal industry

The commissioning of seven kilometres of duplicated track east of Duaringa would mean more coal could be moved to port, Transport Minister Rachel Nolan said, adding that the Queensland Government is delivering rail expansions along the Blackwater System to meet Queensland’s growing export demand.
“The commissioning of the Grantleigh to Tunnel section means nearly 200 kilometres of track has been duplicated on the Blackwater System since 2006, providing additional flexibility and increased capacity for coal export through the Port of Gladstone,” she said.
To date, the Queensland Government has delivered eight of the 12 planned duplications outlined in QR Network’s COALRail Infrastructure Program, resulting in about 80 per cent of the Blackwater System being duplicated.
“The Blackwater System carries more than 50 million tonnes per annum which translates to about $10 billion in export revenue for the Queensland coal industry,” Nolan said.
“Currently there are also plans to commence another duplication project between Rocklands and Kabra in 2010, west of Rockhampton, which would further support the Gladstone coal supply chain.”
This commissioning in the Blackwater System follows the completion of the track portion of the Jilalan Rail Yard in the Goonyella System in Central Queensland. The $500 million Jilalan project includes major track work and improved maintenance and provisioning facilities, which will be completed by the end of the year.
Nolan said the expansion of the Jilalan Yard would enable the coal industry to increase exports by more than $3 billion a year support, which would contribute to the creation of thousands of new jobs.
“The completion of the project is further evidence the Bligh Government is meeting its commitment to expanding the coal network even as plans for privatisation of the coal network continue,” she said.

